Our products all bear the HP brand. Background on HPE.

TRIM/Records Manager/Content Manager(CM)
Previously known as TRIM, Records Manager, Content Manager(CM) is a modern and versatile electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) designed to meet the requirements and standards of private and government organisations.
HPE Records Manager enables your enterprise content management to meet regulatory, environmental and operational requirements by providing you with the:

  • Secure access through a modern interface that operates on a wide variety of devices
  • Effective management of information from any source, including Microsoft Office, Outlook, and SharePoint, as well as Lotus Notes mail and line of business applications
  • Greater levels of configurability, through desktop, workflow and integration tools to meet the needs of a variety of business processes
  • Granular security and audit capabilities for your records repository

Content Manager is designed to meet the International Standards of Records Management (ISO 15489:2001) and elements of ISO16175: Principles and Functional Requirements for Records in Electronic Office Environments.

Value Added Solutions
The Content Manager Value Added Solutions come in two forms:

  • Horizontal expansion – Understanding how to best use the existing products and identifying the best processes for our clients. We identify the requirements of specific jobs to reduce bottlenecks and configure Content Manager to maximise the Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Vertical expansion – Allows our clients to take full advantage of unused features and functions through consultation, training and software development.

ControlPoint is a valuable tool that facilitates information compliance through the management of legacy data.
Legacy data can provide valuable insight into the history of your organisation’s processes and successes, however, this information is often out information stored in old formats and outdated systems. In addition to making this information difficult to access and utilise, legacy data is subject to the same legal regulations as recent records and information.
Through ControlPoint your organisation can organise, access and reduce legacy data content.

The key benefits of Controlpoint are:

  • Data Analysis: To inspect metadata and content, providing insight into your stored data
  • Automating Records Declaration: Categorizing legacy data for data scrubbing
  • Intelligent Migration to the Cloud: Decreasing storage costs by analysing large volumes of data and migrating targeted information to Cloud-Based repositories

Highlight features and areas they’re used for. Reference services relating to this product.

IDOL Enterprise Search
IDOL (Intelligent Data Operating Layer) provides cutting-edge enterprise search and data analytics for unstructured data.
Features of IDOL include:

  • Enterprise search: The primary feature of IDOL is to act as a search engine used across various products including Content Manager, SharePoint, file shares etc. to deal with large amounts of data
  • De-duplications: Reducing clutter and streamlining navigation by removing identical files
  • Heat Map Analysis: Recognises structured and unstructured data by identifying the information that is frequently accessed and used. More focus will then be assigned to this data.

The OEM version of IDOL is included with Content Manager, but can also be purchased independently.