A Health Check is conducted to identify security, performance and security issues before they can affect critical process.


At NUCEPT, our team offers two primary forms of Health Checks for HPE Records Manager:

  • Functional Health Checks
    An in-depth analysis of the existing configuration of the HPE Records Manager system. This includes providing a functional health check report on the HP TRIM Production Dataset, which covers all configurations and settings within the Records manager dataset
  • Technical Health Checks
    A detailed analysis of potential issues within your technical setup, application architecture, disaster recovery process, client deployment setup, data architecture and troubleshoot within the TRIM or Records Manager system.
    This type of health check is highly recommended before any HPE Records Manager upgrade is performed


NUCEPT health checks are conducted at an allocated time, by means of the following process

  1. An initial meeting where all stakeholders are presents such that our consultant can gather all the necessary information required for the selected form(s) of health check.
  2. Our NUCEPT Consultant will perform an initial analysis and gather the information needed on the Records Manager System
  3. Our NUCEPT Consultant will conduct individual interviews based on information gathered, to understand the reasons or mechanics behind the setup
  4. A recommendation summary will be presented in a meeting with all stakeholders present
  5. Documentation containing all recommendations and findings will be issued.

Contact us to speak to a specialist and schedule a Health Check appointment